St. Louis Parish has been a Catholic presence in Englewood, Colorado for more than a century, since July 11, 1911, and continues to provide the sacrament (real presence) of Christ in the midst of this complex and secularized culture. We pray you always feel welcome here. Stop by and see us!
100 Years of Prayer

When Father Louis Hagus said the first Mass for St. Louis Parish on July 11, 1911, the city of Englewood, the State of Colorado and even the world was a much different place. Broadway and the surrounding streets were still unpaved and there were no traffic lights to be found anywhere in the U.S. The city of Denver was founded just 53 years earlier and Colorado had only been a state for 35 years. The area surrounding our present-day church was originally part of the old Orchard Place settlement and was named Englewood, “wooded nook,” when a few early settlements officially incorporated as a city in 1903.
The most visible aspect of St. Louis Parish is our church at 3310 S. Sherman Street. Begun within a year of the founding of the parish, the church is more than bricks and mortar. It holds the hopes and dreams and sorrows of thousands of parishioners who have passed through its doors, provided funds for its construction and improvement over the years, and volunteered to hammer, paint and clean, plant and decorate for a century of celebrations.
Respect Life Memorial
The Respect Life Apostolate (RLA) promotes the Catholic Church’s teachings on respect for and legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death by coordinating educational, spiritual, pastoral, and public policy advocacy efforts with particular focus on those issues in the culture that threaten life – abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and unethical advances in scientific technology. At the entry to the St. Louis Church is a respect life memorial, mourning the deaths of children who died as a result of abortion.
2023 Remodel
Photography courtesy of Megan Stout