
Mass Times
Saturday: 5 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM
Daily Mass (Tuesday–Friday): 8 AM
Croatian Language Mass: Once per month at 12:00 pm.
See dates below –
January 26th
February 23rd
March 30th
April 27th
May 25th
June 22nd
Tuesday–Friday: After 8 AM Mass
Saturday: 3:30–4:30 PM
Saturday: 3:30–4:30 PM (during confessions)
3310 S. Sherman Street
Englewood, Colorado 80113
Office Hours
Monday: 9 AM–4 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM–4 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM–4 PM
Thursday: 12–4 PM
Friday: 9 AM–Noon

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Become Catholic
The journey in the heart of the seeker. Consider joining RCIA to begin.