
Get Involved

Part of what creates a thriving parish are the fantastic volunteers who give of their valuable time and talent, and we do not take that lightly! There are several volunteer opportunities at our Parish, and there is always room for more. Please review the ministries below and contact us if you would like to volunteer. Better yet, if you have ideas about a ministry you would like to lead or initiate, please call the parish office at 303-761-3940.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Please contact the parish office if you’d like to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC), or to request to be trained to become an EMHC: 303-761-3940.

Ushers & Greeters
Have a friendly face, and a love for people? We are always searching for people who love to connect with other people, and welcome parishioners and visitors to our parish, as well as serve during Communion and offertory collections. Please contact Barbara Dreher if you feel called to serve as an usher or greeter, or leave a message with the parish office: 303-761-3940.

We are always looking for lectors to join our parish community. Do you feel called to help read Holy Scripture at Mass? Please contact Cathy Darnell at, Carolyn Derrington-Tate at, or call the parish office at 303-761-3940.

Eucharistic Ministry for Sick & Homebound
Are you interested in joining the Eucharistic Ministry for Swedish Hospital, or the Ministry to the Homebound? Please contact Carole Maschka at

Coffee & Donuts Ministry
Please contact the parish office if you have a heart for hospitality, donuts, and greeting parishioners and new faces of our parish: 303-761-3940.

More Ways to Get Involved

Altar & Linen Care
Interested in helping with Altar and Linen Care? Please contact Kristen Sarvis at

Altar Servers
We always welcome more altar servers! Please contact the parish office if you have a son (or more than one!) who is interested in serving at Mass: 303-761-3940.

Floral Arrangements
Questions or comments about our church and event floral arrangements? Contact the aesthetically talented, Morgan McGinn:

Knights of Columbus
St. Louis is proud to host a very active Knights of Columbus Council—#14443. Membership is open to practicing Catholic men age 18 and older. Please contact Pat Guese at or call 303.756.2255.

Learn More

Marisol Family
Please contact the parish office if you are interested in volunteering or supplying donations to Marisol Health (Formerly The Gabriel House Project), a network of parishes and volunteer teams that provide basic material assistance to families with young children throughout Colorado. : 303-761-3940, or email Cathye Woody at

Mount St. Vincent (formerly St. Vincent House)
“Mount Saint Vincent is the Rocky Mountain region’s premier provider of mental health treatment, foster care services, individualized education, and trauma-informed training — all focused on children and their families. Our innovative service offerings help children reach their full potential within their homes, schools and communities. Our focus on trauma-informed care make us one of the most highly regarded human services agencies in Colorado.” —borrowed from their website.

Learn More

Offertory Counter
Please contact the office at 303-761-3940 or email if you are interested in volunteering your time as an offertory counter. Thank you!

Pastoral Council
Please contact the office at 303-761-3940 for more information about the Pastoral Council. Thank you!

Prayer Network
Contact Margaret Walorski at to join the prayer network.

Post Confirmation & Youth Groups
Contact Liz Luttrell

Respect Life
The Respect Life Apostolate (RLA) promotes the Catholic Church’s teachings on respect for and legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death.

Learn More

Contact the parish office if you feel a calling to help with the honorable responsibility of setting up the church and sacristy for the Mass as a sacristan. 303-761-3940

St. Vincent de Paul Society

This is a ministry of the St. Vincent de Paul Society which offers encouragement and help with rent, food, and more, to individuals and families in our parish areas. If you’re interested in including this vital program in your Lenten almsgiving, please place your donation in the collection plate in an envelope marked “SVdP.” For more information, please contact

For rent assistance please call: 720-515-3474

Widget Basketball
Please contact Pat McCaslin at