

As most of you are aware, our parish is facing two critical maintenance and repair projects which are costly. We estimate a price tag of approximately $200,000. Can you help us fund these necessary and important comfort and safety improvements?

  • Replacement of church rooftop HVAC unit. Those of you who have been with us throughout this past summer will know how crucial this improvement is for comfortable temperatures in the church on hot days. We’re planning to complete this work during the winter months so that we will have fully functioning air conditioning by next summer.
  • Replacement of handicap access ramp. It’s safe to say our current ramp is inconveniently located, and has a tendency to accumulate ice with its northern light exposure.The new ramp will be easier to access, and includes a built-in snowmelt feature.
  • Please consider helping us out online, here. Otherwise, please note, “church improvements,” in the memo line of your check. Any amount helps!

    We thank you, sincerely, for your dedication and support of our parish!