The first Neo-Catechumenal Way participants in 1993 at St. Louis Catholic Church.
The first Neo-Catechumenal community was founded in 1964 by Francisco “Kiko” Arguello and Carmen Hernandez in Madrid, Spain as a way to evangelize and re-awaken people’s baptismal promises. In 2002, the Way’s statutes were approved by the Vatican for a five-year assessment period. Subsequently, the Holy See approved the Way’s final statutes and it has since grown to include more than 1 million participants in more than 120 countries. In 1993, the Neo-Catechumenal Way came to St. Louis Parish. In addition to the renewal of baptism in individuals in a community, the Neo-Catechumenal Way emphasizes vocations to the priesthood and religious life as well as evangelization around the world by both priests and lay people.
Many priests, seminarians and lay people from St. Louis Parish who have benefited from their formation through the Neo-Catechumenal Way communities have gone on to evangelize. Itinerants from the St. Louis Neo-Catechmenal Way have served in Wyoming, Belize & Virgin Islands, Northern California, Minnesota, St. James Parish (Denver), and the Washington D.C. Seminary. Mission families are now located in Australia, China, and Taiwan.
Priests from the St. Louis Neo-Catechumenal Way communities are now serving in Richwood, NJ; Germantown, MD; St. James Parish, Denver; the Marriage Tribunal: St. Theresa Parish, Frederick, CO; Ascension Parish, Denver; Bridgeport, CT; St. Elizabeth Seaton Parish, Ft. Collins; South Africa; Dallas, TX, and Rome, Italy.
Seminarians supported by the Way communities have come from Ecuador, Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Argentina and Nicaragua.
To find out more about the Neo-Catechumenal Way at St. Louis, consider attending the Masses for the Neo-Catechumenal Way communities, or calling the Neo-Catechumenal Way contact listed in the weekend bulletin.